Keshab Chapagain

Keshab, a registered migration agent (MARN 1576536), plays a pivotal role in supporting fellow migration agents across a wide spectrum of services. These services encompass tasks such as crafting training plans for the 407 visa subclass, offering guidance on skills assessments, and providing multifaceted assistance.

At WIDEN, Keshab takes the lead in addressing inquiries and goes above and beyond to ensure the satisfaction of his clients. Over the years, he has cultivated strong relationships with numerous migration agents and diligently maintained these connections.

Keshab’s expertise extends to individual visa and student management. His strengths lie in establishing positive client relationships, maintaining composure in challenging situations, and excelling in high-pressure work environments.

As a migrant himself, Keshab collaborates closely with another migration agent to provide comprehensive assistance to their clients. Additionally, he oversees a Registered Training Organisation, reflecting his genuine passion for training facilitation and effective problem-solving.

It’s important to note that Keshab highly values the privacy of migration agents and refrains from contacting their clients without formal written authorization. He eagerly looks forward to the opportunity to assist with your specific needs.

keshab Chapagain